Daily Archives: September 8, 2010

Prefer His Ways, by Evans

Good morning,

Psalm 103:7, “He made known His ways to Moses, His acts to the children of Israel”

I wondered why Moses was shown God’s ways while the Israelites were only shown God’s acts. Knowing God’s way is knowing Him and His style of doing things, knowing the timing, knowing that you can trust Him and even knowing that He has everything under control. The children of Israel only knew His acts in that any time God did not do something for them in a tough situation, they would murmur and complain. Moses led about 2.5 million people out of Egypt without an army and it’s because He knew God’s ways when many complained. People who do not know God’s ways will always be complainers, people on the verge of living by miracles and can’t see anything beyond that. They are people who have happiness when everything is going the right way. Their happiness depends on circumstances. When you know God’s ways, you will have joy, unspeakable joy full of the glory of God at all times. Joy does not depend on circumstance, joy goes with the fact that you know who is in charge. Therefore whether things are going right or wrong, I will still have the joy and not happiness. I don’t have to see it to trust Him; and I don’t have to have it to thank Him, I know in whom I have believed.

Psalm 86:11, “Teach me Your way, O Lord and I will walk in your truth: Unite my heart to fear Your name”. I love the way the psalmist puts it. Instead of him praying “show me your acts”, he asking to be taught God’s ways. He knows that learning God’s ways will keep him from being discouraged and broken when things don’t go his way. He says teach me to walk in Your truth to avoid living in deception, without killing my trust in You, without aborting what You have started in me even when I do see the acts. Knowing God’s ways will teach you to fear His name even more, He is God who completes His promises regardless of the time or the season. Psalm 119:105, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path (way)”, The word of the Lord is the truth, John 14:6, “Jesus says unto him, I am the way, the truth and the life”, John 1:1, “In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God”, He is also the light, John 9:5, “As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world”. All these truths about Christ should lead us to trust Him and take Him at His word. His words are a lamp unto our feet, guiding us, directing us, showing us His ways. His light cannot go dim, it’s bright in the day and in the night, darkness cannot comprehend Him. When His light comes in, darkness has no choice but to leave. We live in a world full of darkness but God will shine His way for us.

Psalms 25:4&5, “Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation On You I wait all the day”. Three key words in these two verses are significant. When He shows You His ways He has your eyes; when He teaches you His paths, He has your mind; and when He leads you in His truth, He has your hand. What more can one ask of the Lord than to know how God operates. I would prefer knowing His ways to knowing His acts. His ways will teach me how to call on Him, depend on Him and more so have an intimate relationship with Him. As for His acts, I will only look to Him when I need something and that will be it, I will not experience Him on a day to day basis because I will only see Him when He moves. “For You are the God of my salvation On You I wait all the day”. You and I can wait on God all day without being frustrated for He will show come (not that he left anyway). How I pray that we will begin by desiring to know His ways rather than His acts for greater weight lies on His ways.

Psalm 25:9, “The humble will He guides in justice: and the humble He teaches His way”, The reason why God taught Moses His ways was because He was a humble man. He trusted him with over 2.5million for God knew that Moses would look to Him for help at any time of day or night. Moses could believe God for something that had not happened yet and He could also remain calm in tough situations, He trusted God’s ways. Psalm 103:7, “He made known His ways to Moses, His acts to the children of Israel”. With this understanding, I prefer His ways to His acts!, blessings Ev

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Posted by on September 8, 2010 in HistoryMaker